protector del hogar

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    (Protector del Hogar)

    Cuando alguien vive con apoyo,aprende a sentirse satisfecho de si mismo. Al estar en contacto con tu Elfo, es probable que te ayude a pensar en otras cosas: salud, suerte, armonía, protección….; todas estas cosas se van transmitiendo y ayudan a que tanto vosotros como la gente que vengan a visitarnos se alegren al llegar a vuestra casa. Coloca a Ronnan en la entrada de tu casa para que al entrar y mirarlo te transfiera sus risueños beneficios.

    (Home Protector)

    When a person lives surrounded by help, he/she learns to feel good about it. If you keep in touch with your Elf, he might very well help you tothink about other things, like health, good luck, harmony protection … All these things arethen felt in your own surroundings and help you, and any person visiting you at your home, to feel happy, as soon as we open the door. Place Ronnan in your entrance hall so that you can see him immediately upon enter- ing. He will then pass his affability onto you.

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