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    Dinero, Riqueza, Abundancia

    El soberano de los Tuatha Dé Hannam (el pueblo elfo de la Irlanda Prehistórica) es evocado en muchas leyendas. Poseía muchos títulos, por lo que era llamado “El padre de todos”, el “Señor de la Sabiduría”, el “ Sol de todas las ciencias”, pero su principal título era “Dagda” que significa “ El dios bueno” Su maza podía abatir nueve enemigos de un solo golpe y su apetito era enorme, por este motivo poseía un caldero mágico que llenaba de comida a su voluntad. Os proveerá de riquezas y abundáncia…¡¡conservadlo!!

    Money, Wealth, Abundance.

    The ruler of the Tuatha Dé Hannam (the elven people of prehistoric Ireland) is evoked in many legends. He had many titles, so he was called «The father of all», the «Lord of Wisdom», the «Sun of all sciences», but his main title was «Dagda» which means «The good god» His mace could shoot down nine enemies in one fell swoop and his appetite was enormous, for this reason he had a magical cauldron that he filled with food at will. It will provide you with wealth and abundance … keep it!

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    DAGDA 75 CM

    Dinero, Riqueza, Abundancia.

    El soberano de los Tuatha Dé Hannam (el pueblo elfo de la Irlanda Prehistórica) es evocado en muchas leyendas. Poseía muchos títulos, por lo que era llamado “El padre de todos”, el “Señor de la Sabiduría”, el “ Sol de todas las ciencias”, pero su principal título era “Dagda” que significa “ El dios bueno”

    Su maza podía abatir nueve enemigos de un solo golpe y su apetito era enorme, por este motivo poseía un caldero mágico que llenaba de comida a su voluntad.

    Os proveerá de riquezas y abundáncia…¡¡conservadlo!!


    Money, Wealth, Abundance.

    The ruler of the Tuatha Dé Hannam (the elven people of prehistoric Ireland) is evoked in many legends. He had many titles, so he was called “The father of all”, the “Lord of Wisdom”, the “Sun of all sciences”, but his main title was “Dagda” which means “The good god”

    His mace could shoot down nine enemies in one fell swoop and his appetite was enormous, for this reason he had a magical cauldron that he filled with food at will.


    It will provide you with wealth and abundance … keep it!

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