Los rasgos eran particularmente bellos, de pura raza. Las tribus Pumas del Norte tuvieron contacto directo con los españoles hace dos siglos, Sin embargo se mezclaron con la sangre extranjera en un momento tan temprano que hoy en día apenas puede reconocerse en el aspecto físico. Debido a el carácter agricultor de la tribu Papago, las mujeres a parte del cuidado de la familia, eran expertas fabricando cestos y vasijas para conservar los frutos de las cosechas.
The features were particularly beautiful, purebred. The Pumas del Norte tribes had direct contact with the Spaniards two centuries ago, however they mixed with the foreign blood at such an early moment that today it can hardly be recognized in the physical aspect. Due to the farming nature of the Papago tribe, the women, apart from taking care of the family, were experts in making baskets and vessels to preserve the fruits of the crops.
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