

Se dice que la cosa mas bella del mundo es el amor y el día mas bello es Hoy. Hijo de Obregón y de una humilde campesina, Robín aplicó a rajatabla lo de la pasión, andaba moviendo los ojos continuamente en todas las direcciones, buscando nuevas sensaciones. Robin era apasionado en el amor,a su vez en cualquier cosa que le llamará la atención. Era inteligente y malicioso, sobre todo inteligente, ya que a sus 6 años se ganó el apelativo de Goodfellow, que significa, algo así, como buen tipo.


It is said that the most beautiful thing in the world is love and the most beautiful day is Today. Son of Obregon and a humble peasant, Robin applied the passion passionately, he kept moving his eyes continuously in all directions, looking for new sensations. Robin was passionate in love, turn on anything that will catch your attention. He was intelligent and malicious, above all intelligent, since at 6 years of age he earned the nickname of Goodfellow, which means, something like that, as a good guy.

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38 – 41cm