
  • Referencia: 41016
  • Altura : 28 cm
  • Fabricado en: España
  • Marca: Elfos de Pep Catalá
  • Material: Cuerpo blando
  • Color de pelo: Marron
  • Color de ojos: Marrones
  • Tipo de ojos: No movibles
  • Etnia: Elfica

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(Protector de la Naturaleza, Protege las cosechas).

En Alcoi, un pueblo del mediterráneo español, rodeado de majestuosas montañas y frondosos bosques, vive un elfo llamado Teix. Él se encarga de proteger la floesta más autóctona y ancestral de uno de los parajes más primitivos y salvajes de cuantos existen en la franja mediterránea, la Font-Roja. Con el paso de los siglos,mayor enemigo, el fuego. Es por esto por lo que su cara está llena de arrugas y verrugas, y su frente despejada y exenta de pelo. Proteged la naturaleza tal como Teix lo hace.


Nature Protection, Protects the crops

In Alcoi, a Spanish village near the Mediterranean sea, surrounded by high mountains and thick forests, lives an Elf called Teix. He is in charge of the most endemic and ancestral floa which grows in the one of the most primitive and wild corner of all the Mediterranean coast: the Font-Roja. As centuries went by, Teix has managed to cast a spell on this area and to protect its vegetation against all evils. The powers of the magic stone that he wears around his neck have helped him to a large extent. That is why this tiny corner of the Earth is still an unspoilt sanctuary where all the nature lovers can enjoy wilderness at its best. The very skin of Teix bears evidence of the numberless fightswaged against his worst ever en-emy : the fie. That is why his face is so wrinkled and aged and his forehead so high and bald.